30-Hour Advanced Family Mediation Training

The Advanced Family Mediation Training is a 30-hour training fulfilling the Texas ADR Act requirements for mediators doing court-ordered family mediation and following the standards set by the Texas Mediation Trainers Roundtable. Court-appointed mediators are generally expected to meet the requirements of Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code Section 154.052 (including Domestic Violence Training). The sessions include family law, family dynamics, domestic violence, child development, and ethical and practical considerations in a combined lecture and role-play environment.


Please get in touch with us for Upcoming Training Dates for 30 Hour Advanced Family Mediation Training

Upcoming Training Dates for 30-Hour Advanced Family Mediation Course (Live Online via Zoom)

2025 Class Dates: 

Week 1: March 4th & 6th (5:00 to 9:00 PM CDT)

Week 2: March 11th, 12th, & 13th (5:00 to 9:00 PM CDT)

Week 3: March 18th, 19th, & 20th (5:00 to 9:00 PM CDT)

There are eight (8) class sessions planned to meet the 30-hour training requirements. Each session must be conducted in order. (You must complete an approved 40- Hour Basic Mediation Course before taking this course)

Who Should Take This Course?

  • Individuals interested in learning the advanced process and skills for becoming a professional family mediator.
  • Attorneys looking to improve their collaborative negotiation skills for use in Collaborative Law and those wishing to become more effective advocates in the family mediation process.
  • Professionals and community leaders need to enhance their mediation skills to an advanced level for resolving conflicts among individuals, groups, or organizations.
  • Any professional, regardless of role or level within an organization, who wants to be certified in advanced workplace mediation and train others in conflict resolution skills.

What You Will Learn!

  • Overview of the legal system and terms relating to family law
      • History and evolution of legal rights of parents
      • Parentage (never married parents)
      • Suits affecting the parent-child relationship (SAPCR)
      • Dissolution of marriage
      • Adult guardianship
  • Allocation of resources
      • Itemization, characterization, valuation, and division of assets and liabilities
      • Finances
      • Taxes
  • Parenting Plans
      • Conservatorship
      • Parental rights and duties
      • Parental access
      • Child support
      • Non-parental access (grandparents, etc.)
      • Special issues of children with disabilities
  • Family Dynamics
      • Family Systems
      • Blended Families
      • Psychological aspects of divorce and parenting
  • Child Development
      • Stages of development
      • Impact and response to divorce
  • Family Violence
      • Screening
      • Impact of statutory requirements
      • Dynamics. of family violence patterns, including power imbalances
      • Effect of family violence on children
      • Child abuse
      • Substance abuse
      • Stalking
      • Protective orders
      • Reporting laws and procedures
      • Anger management
      • Mediation safety plans, including caucus models
      • Violent children
  • Practice Considerations
      • Ethics
      • Agreement memorialization
      • Unauthorized practice of law (UPL)
      • Pro se cases
      • Enforcement
  • Mediation Skills
      • Communication
      • Relationship-building
      • Information gathering
      • Problem-solving
      • Conflict resolution theory
      • Referrals to professional support services (such as social study/psychological evaluation,
        therapy, parenting education program, anger management counseling, family violence shelter,
        certified financial planning, certified public accountancy, etc.)

Mediator Salary in Texas

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) predicts a 9% employment growth for arbitrators, mediators, and conciliators from 2014 to 2024. The BLS also notes that Texas arbitrators, mediators, and conciliators earned a median annual wage of up to $84538/year in 2024.

Questions and Answer

  • Question: What is included with the 30-Hour Advanced Family Mediation Training?
    • Answer: The 30-Hour Advanced Family Mediation Training is what is required by the State of Texas to mediate in the family court system. This course includes a robust ethical portion and required family violence training. Students will receive a Texas State Bar Approved 30-Hour Advanced Family Mediation Training Certificate upon finishing the course.
  • Question: Are there any mandatory state requirements to mediate?
    • Answer: 28 of 50 states have comprehensive statewide standards for any mediators who wish to be recognized by the courts(e.g., certified, included on court rosters) as qualified to mediate.
  • Question: What does it take to be a court-appointed mediator?
    • Answer: 28 of 50 states have comprehensive statewide standards for any mediators who wish to be recognized by the courts. Of those 28 states with comprehensive statewide standards, 25 require greater training and experience for those who wish to mediate family disputes
  • Question: Does a mediator need to be a lawyer, or Do I need a degree?
    • Answer: In 4 states, a law degree is required to be recognized by the court as a mediator. In 5 states, some other type of education/professional experience (e.g., bachelor’s degree plus 6 years of management experience) is required. In some cases, a waiver may allow an applicant to bypass these requirements. Texas does not require a degree to mediate.
  • Question: Can I use my State of Texas Basic Civil Mediation in another state?
    • Answer: Many states will recognize your State of Texas 30-Hour Advanced Family Mediation Training. Additional training may be required depending on the state. Many State Bars will recognize your State of Texas 30-Hour Advanced Family Mediation Training to receive MCLE for attorneys.


Online 30-Hour Advanced Family Mediation Training

The need for qualified advanced family mediators has not gone away. Courts across the country are in great need of qualified & ethical mediators. With that being said, if you are interested in becoming a mediator, please consider taking our online Zoom 30-Hour Advanced Family Mediation Training. You will receive the same qualifying training as the in-person class but at a fraction of the cost. All you need is Wi-Fi and a device that can conduct Zoom video-conferencing (PC, Mac, Smart Phone, iPad, etc.).

Become a trained mediator and start working in the field now.

The cost of the course is $550.00 plus tax per student. Students are ONLY  required to make a $150.00 down payment to enroll and you can pay off the balance to receive the certificate. Reduced price is available with proper discount code or verification of first responder/veteran status.


Please contact us for Upcoming Training Dates for 30 Hour Advanced Family Mediation Training

Upcoming Training Dates for 30-Hour Advanced Family Mediation Course (Live Online via Zoom)

2025 Class Dates: 

Week 1: March 4th & 6th (5:00 to 9:00 PM CDT)

Week 2: March 11th, 12th, & 13th (5:00 to 9:00 PM CDT)

Week 3: March 18th, 19th, & 20th (5:00 to 9:00 PM CDT)

There are eight (8) class sessions planned to meet the 30-hour training requirements. Each session must be conducted in order.  (You must complete an approved 40-Hour Basic Mediation Course before taking this course)

Contact us if you have a request to train your group.

There are limited training seats per class. You can sign up for this course by filling out the form below. 

We take Personal Identifiable Information (PII) seriously. We will not share your information with any third party outside of our organization.
Where do mail your certificate?
Yes: Please send me an invoice based on my payment options and preferred method of payment below.
Attorney's who require MCLE will be charged an additional $50.00 to cover the costs associated with State Bar of Texas MCLE fees. By saying "Yes" you agree to the additional fees.
Cashiers Check/Money Order must pay full amount.
Please enter name of the person or organization that referred you to this course or enter a referral code to receive discounts. (First Responders, Active Military, or Veterans receive Discounts with proof of service)

Click here to Pay Full Balance Now


Stephen A. Kreider and Ese G. Kreider published their book on Amazon. Click the title to view and order your copy…

Bridging Differences: A Practical Guide to Becoming a Professional Mediator