Presented by Jeannie Tomanetz, Victim Services Counselor (Austin PD)

100% Online Via Zoom @ $100.00 (Students will receive training certificates at the end of the course)

Training Specialist Jeannie Tomanetz

Jeannie has worked with victims of almost every crime type in almost 22 years. She has worked with victims of domestic violence with an emphasis on intimate partner violence. Jeannie has been assigned over 20,000 police reports and have spoken to 15,000-20,000 victims of crime. 

Jeannie provides several trainings a year in regard to different DV topics such as the general dynamics of DV, effects on victims and children, characteristics of batterers, strangulation, stalking, neurobiology of trauma, lethality, and safety planning. She has developed and/or provided trainings to Austin Police Officers (APD), APD Cadets, Travis County Sherriff’s Deputies, Park Police, Community Organizations, Churches, Statewide Victim Service Organizations, International Chiefs of Police Association members, Travis County Prosecutors (County and District Attorneys), Medical Professionals for Seton Network of Hospitals, and interns and new employees to Victim Services.

The DOMESTIC VIOLENCE COURSE is a 4.5-hour training course that meets the Section 154.052(b) of the Texas Civil Practice & Remedies Code that was amended and became effective September 1, 2017 which states specifically, to be qualified to serve as an impartial third party under Subchapter C, Chapter 154 of the Civil Practice and Remedies Code, additional training including a minimum of four hours of family violence dynamics training developed in consultation with a statewide family violence advocacy organization.

This course can be used in conjunction with the Advanced Family Mediation Course’s that were taken prior to when the Texas Civil Practice & Remedies Code that was amended and became effective September 1, 2017.

This course is 100% online via Zoom and interactive with the instructor.

*This course is included in the cost for the 30 Hour Advance Family Mediation Course that is provided by Kreider Mediation*

Course Cost: $100.00

Training Dates: March 12th @ 5:00-9:30 PM CST 

Learning Objective (4.5 Hours)

  • Dynamics of Domestic Violence
    • (Myths and facts and impact of trauma and its presentations)
  • Child Exposure and Child Welfare
    • (Effect of domestic violence on parenting, intersection of domestic violence and child abuse, and mandatory reporting requirements)
  • Texas Statutory Framework
    • (Tex/Fam presumptions around conservatorship when domestic violence is present)
  • Protective orders, reporting laws and procedures, impact of statutory requirements
  • Practice Guidance
    • (Mediation safety plans, ethical reporting requirements, stalking, and anger management)
  • Practical Exercises and Role Playing
  • Questions and Answers

To request more information about this course or any of our courses, please fill about the contact info below.

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